3-4 Year Olds

3-4 Year Old Class

Tuesday/Thursday AM: 9:00-11:30

Our Tuesday/Thursday classes are designed (for 3 year olds who are turning 4) as the child’s first school experience. We provide an exciting and inviting environment that fosters self esteem and a genuine love of learning. Age appropriate materials and activities build a strong foundation for future learning with endless opportunities for children to meet success every day.

  • Two group circle times each class incorporate music, movement, and reading

  • Free play time encourages dramatic play, fine motor development, and social emotional education

  • Art, science, and sensory areas to facilitate learning through play

  • Curriculum includes reading readiness skills (rhyming, letter recognition) and math concepts (sorting, patterning, shapes, and number recognition)

A sense of wonder is introduced as we explore the world around us. Outside gross motor play provides fun and positive social interactions. Our goal is to help children learn to be self-confident and independent!



Students must be 3 by September 1st in order to be enrolled in this class.
Potty training should be mostly completed in order to attend.
Enrollment is capped at 12 children


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